Pics of Chiles

With the name and Scoville heat ratings (approx)

Scoville units are determined by HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography).  It determines the amount of capsaicin in a pepper.  The amount of capsaicin will differ from pepper to pepper, so these are just estimates... If you still can't comprehend the heat, a Jalapeno pepper has a rating of about 4,000 Sc and a bell pepper has 0 Sc, so in the scale of things, the jalapeno is actually near the bottom of the list...  

The pictures that appear as buttons are thumbnails.  Enjoy!

Sc = 200,000 - 300,000
Red Savina Hab (no pic) is in Guinness Book of World Records.
One was tested @ 577,000 Sc.  WOW!

Cayenne   Sc = 30,000


  Aji  Sc = approx 40,000
Datil    Sc = 100,000

Serrano   Sc = 30,000

Vera Cruz  Sc = similar to jalapeno(???)


Thai Dragons 
Sc = 75 - 100,000 
Scotch Bonnets, similar to habaneros
Sc = 150,000 - 250,000
Sc = 30 - 50,000
Interesting story on the development of Tabasco sauce

Sc = 30 - 40,000
Expensive and birds love them
Hence the nickname 'bird pepper'.


Click on thumbnail for an cool pic!

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Cara's Scoville rating is about 500,000....